What if attractiveness was measured in amount of peace in the heart, rather than the shape of the butt-waist-breasts-lips?
What if the skill of balancing the turbulent emotions was in higher regard than makeup application or on-trend accessorizing?
What if the joyful twinkle in the eye was considered more flattering than the eyelid caterpillars and spiders draining your pocket every 6 weeks?
What if it was customary to apply self-study to our minds and hearts with same frequency as hair removal in all its forms?
What if shedding the layers of our trauma and unconscious “learning” was as encouraged as sloughing off the dead skin from our bodies and faces?
What if ways of burning old karma were more in demand than ways of burning fat?
What if conforming to the call of our soul was more in demand than conforming our bodies to another person’s shape?
What if the skill of managing stress was worth more than managing the breakouts and wrinkles on our faces?
What if our arsenal of ways to self-regulate effectively was as abundant as our medicine and bathroom cabinets?
What if we had more tools to restore our self-worth than the number of products and implements that is the content of an average cosmetic bag?
What if we were fascinated by and admired those who have overcome, studied and mastered, and healed and shared their ways with the world, rather than those who give us a shallow spectacle of gossip or a brief thrill in a sports arena?
What if the ability to pick what’s right was more common than the artificial talons coated in toxic sludge on people’s fingers?
What if better ability to chew life was regarded higher than the whiteness and shape of the teeth?
What if deeply committing to one’s development came as easy as dropping money at Sephora?
What if the integrity of what comes out of one’s mouth meant more than the cushiony plumpness of that mouth?
What if the ease with which one slips into deep, restorative slumber was valued at more than the monthly car payments?
What if women’s experiences and resilience were valued more than their perceived attractiveness?
People would rather look at a woman who’s “pretty”, no matter what’s her age, and that’s one of the truths we have embodied. It’s difficult NOT to play that game in our society.
But what if, instead of feeding the never-satisfied beauty industry monster we fed our souls, our hearts, our joy? What if we prioritized our healing from the inside out, rather than patching up the outside and pretending that it’s doing something for the inside?
What would we build?
You can paint the outside of your house all the colours you wish, you can spend millions on golden trim and marble stairs. If your soul is buried by the rubble of illusion, the inside is just a cold, hollow cave. The rubble rattles inside, showing up as the pain of existence that’s not aligned with the soul’s calling. More plaster on the outside won’t fix the rattle.
Take out the trash and the debris. Let the soul do the talking, let it illuminate and lead. No need to resort to plaster when you have all the wealth of the Universe backing you.
And lastly, please continue painting your nails, ripping the hair off your vul✅a, and wear your implants proudly, if that’s your soul-guided self-expression. I wholeheartedly support that, and I love you for it! It's beautiful to play with your self-expression and the way you show up in the world...
I respect that you know the difference between the illusion of wholeness the cheap plaster covering the cracks in the walls gives, and the true integrity of soul-illumined temple walls. Plaster can be fun to play with sometimes, but it's the soul that gives you radiance!
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